Designer Drugs Addiction Treatment and Counseling (Bath Salts, K2, etc.)
Designer drugs such as Bath Salts and Spice have been in the media recently but unfortunately they have been around for a few years. Because they are easily attainable and legal, teens have been using Bath Salts & Spice with more frequency and experiencing extreme behavioral and psychological problems. The majority of these drugs do not show in standard drug tests and therefore many adolescents appear "clean" when they are tested for narcotics.
Dr. Menendez can help parents and teens identify drug use and explain the extremely negative side effects of using these drugs.
Our office is located in the South Miami area.
5915 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Suite 19
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Dr. Menendez can help parents and teens identify drug use and explain the extremely negative side effects of using these drugs.
Our office is located in the South Miami area.
5915 Ponce De Leon Blvd., Suite 19
Coral Gables, FL 33146